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Frequently Asked Questions

Is AxessEQ compatible with Android or iOS?

AxessEQ is currently in the development stage and will be compatible with and available for Android and iOS devices once it is pushed live.

Will AxessEQ be available in my state?

AxessEQ will be inaugurated as a platform throughout the United States.

How do I register for information alerts?

Click on the pre-registration button and input your details.

What is Gold Axess Subscription in AxessEQ?

Gold Axess is a subscription plan for AxessEQ users. Now you can access more features in AxessEQ App with the Gold Axess Subscription.

Does AxessEQ allow you to cancel a subscription?

Yes, AxessEQ allows you to cancel a subscription at anytime from a mobile app if you are no longer interested in continuing with Gold Axess.

Does AxessEQ provide any refund policy against subscription?

No, AxessEQ doesn't have a refund policy against subscription.